Covered and not Ashamed

Genesis 2:21-24
Genesis 3:1-21
Main verse 3:6-7

In my spirit I hear the Lord saying this is a season of deliverance for believers.

Definition of Shame: To hide, that which brings reproach, and degrades a person in the estimation of others disgrace. A painful emotion resulting from a awareness of inadequacy or guilt.
Definition of Covered: Sheltered from evil/danger
Gen. 2:25 tell that both were naked, prior to fall nakedness reflected innocence and trust. After the fall, it denoted vulnerability and shame. Shame connotes exploitation and humiliation.
Genesis 3:7 There eyes were opened and they sewed fig leaves and made themselves aprons.
Genesis 3:10 I heard the voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked and hid myself.
Genesis 3:11 who told you you were naked? Hast thou eaten of the tree, where of I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat?