Glad Tidings A.O.G "Women Of The World" 2017 Women's Conference

"Women Of The Word" 2017 Women's Conference

Desperate Times, Make For Desperate Women, But God!

2 Kings 4:26-27 & Ephesians 6:10-20

Saturday October 7th, 2017

Time: 10:00am - 3:00pm

Glad Tidings A.O.G Church 2830 E. 60th Street KCMO 64130

(816) 333-9102

Keynote Speaker

Workshop Speaker

Resolving Conflicts Amongst Girlfriends, Family, and Brethren
Minister Annette Jones

Prophetess Annette Y. Jones is the Co-Pastor of Maranatha Family Worship Center, Kansas City, Missouri. She was called to minister the word of God over 17 years ago. Since that time she has been teaching, preaching and doing the will of the Lord. Prophetess Jones loves ministering the word and watching God transform lives just as he did her own 36 years ago. She has been married to Bishop Lester C Jones, Pastor of Maranatha Family Worship Center for 36 years and to their union they have 2 children, Lester Charles Jones II and Olivia Jones. Prophetess Annette Y. Jones message to you is to live the life and love the Lord and to keep your hand in the hand of the Lord.

Workshop Speaker

Breaking Spiritual Strongholds & Generation Bondages
Minister Lucilla Miller

A dynamic woman of God, who welcomes every opportunity to minister the gospel she lives and serves. Sister Lucilla co-labors with her husband of 42 years, Brother Ronald Miller. They have three adult children and thirteen wonderful grandchildren.

Sister Luccilla is a member of Bethel AME Church of Kansas City. She is the director & founder of Girls & Boys Let's Talk Ministry [a young people’s mentoring program]. Sister Lucilla also teaches Adult Bible Classes at Vine Street Manor. Sister Miller has been an assistant chaplain for over 30 years at the Jackson County Jail. Sister Lucilla was a former President of The Inner City Aglow Chapter, of Kansas City.
Sister Miller's vision is to minister to the lost, hurting and forgotten.